EVENTS: iBlog10: The 10th Philippine Blogging Summit Experience

April 04 - 05, 2014
Malcolm Theater
UP College of Law
University of the Philippines - Diliman

I've started blogging since 2011 via as my platform before I finally decided to transfer to As my journey continues as a blogger, it's fun to know that there's a blogging summit here in the Philippines called iblog.

I come across to a twit, thanks to Twitter, regarding a blogging summit called iBlog. iBlog on it's 10th year is a prime gathering for bloggers in the Philippines which aim to educate, collaborate, and update each one on what's happening in the blog-o-sphere. This event is organized by the University of the Philippines Internet and Society Program (UP ISP) of the UP College of Law. This year's theme was focused on insights in retrospective about the past 10 years and how to move forward from it. 

Bloggers in front of the registration area at Malcom Theater

Since I need to deal with office work on a Friday, I missed the first day of the summit. Moving forward, since it's my first time to attend a prestige event like this, I was really enthusiastic about what's in it for me.

Jayson Bagio sharing his expertise

The summit was kicked off by a sports blogger, Ivan Saldajeno, who talked about the rise of sports blogger in the country. He was followed by Jayson Bagio, SEO master, who talked about Link Building. Links should have it's Real Intention and Purpose (RIP) according to him. Spamming is not in any way a good strategy to increase traffic in one's blog site. He also reiterated that bloggers should establish a good set of connections and from there, create a community which best suites the bloggers forte.

Dr. Bien Nillos on why doctors and other professionals should blog
 Dr. Bien Nillos shared his thoughts on why doctors and other professionals should blog. He's really a funny speaker and has a lot of analogies about his profession, current events and life as a whole. Genesis Reonico, an ex call center agent, Sonnie Santos, an advocate and Vanj Padilla, a digital journalist share one thing in common and that is, they're all entrepreneurs. Blogger turned entrepreneur is a common shift once people incorporate money on their passion to share thoughts to people through their posts.

Genesis Reonico on attaining SUCCESS!

Some quotes that really strike me from theses bloggers turned entrepreneur:

"I am sharing my thoughts and with what I believe might help other people." - @georeonico

"Follow you passion. Pero madalas sa passion, walang pera." - @georeonico

"Your blog should reflect your brand or personality. Write the right content" - @AskSonnie

"I am a hardworking bitch!" - @ VanjPadilla

After the morning session, I felt very inspired and empowered with all the thoughts that the speakers have shared so far. But after hearing thoughts from Mr. Howie Severino, I was totally amazed with the way how he was so honest on how blogging disrupt journalism. He shared also how content is consume by readers though media and timeline for it. He also said that "Great ideas will never be out of style. Be creative and clever." During the question and answer portion, a blogger asked him something about online bullying and he replied "Behave online the way you would behave in real life."

Mr. Howie Severino sharing his thoughts about Journalism in the age of disruption.

Lace Llanora talked about crowdsourcing, social media and it's impact on business. Christian Blanquera on the other hand, shares his expertise about mentoring entrepreneur through blogging and social media via Start Up PH. He said that in order for a start up to work, you need a business guy, a tech guy and a guy with the loudest mouth. Atty. JJ Disini, talked about the present and future regulation in the country touching the Cyber Crime Law and Freedom of Information Bill. Lastly, Ms. Janette Toral, the mother of e-commerce in the Philippines, shares the Philippine Internet at 20 years old and what would be the future of blogging and social media. Here's the future of it according to her:

  1. Blogging will evolve. It will be more competitive
  2. We our internet historians.
  3. Start ups will grow.
  4. There will be an emphasis on Mobile Commerce.
  5. Work from home will grow.
  6. There will be government regulation.
  7. Membership models will grow (subscription).
  8. Communities will thrive.
  9. The most shareable wins.
  10. Diversity wins.
Super #SelfWE c/o Flow G.

Super #SelfWE c/o Flow G.

Being part of this annual event opens a lot of opportunities for me as blogger to grow and learn from people's experiences. I would like to commend all the organizers for coming up with this awesome event. Hope to meet more bloggers in the future summit and other gatherings! This one is for the book! 

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  1. nagkita ba tayo sa iblog hahaha.... overload ang information ng iblog!!!

    1. Siguro. pero hindi ko lang sure na ikaw yun. :)


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