Experience: #DPOP 1st Professional Blogging Summit!

As a blogger, you get the chance to get invited on events from product or service launch to press conference, from movie screenings to company anniversary celebrations, from workshops to advocacy related activities and a lot more. But as time goes by, especially when invites come from one after the another, you need to prioritize which event will most benefit you as a blogger, more importantly as a person.

Last weekend, an event organized by two of the most influential people in the blogosphere come to life: #DPOP 1st Professional Blogging Summit was held in A.Venue Mall, Makati Ave. Jeoff Solas, a digital marketer and professor, together with Janette Toral, e-commerce advocate and book author, come up with #DPOP which means Digital Pop. It's a platform where they discuss anything digital.

Janette Toral

Speakers from different walks of life shared their experiences on blogging. Azrael Codilla talks about how to build, connect, engage and contribute to the blogging community that each one is belonging to. What strike me the most about his presentation is when he shared "other people's mistake is a freebie for you to learn from it". There's always a silver lining in bad situations and here, as he shared it, we should always treat misfortunes as a way of improving ourselves instead of putting us or others down and gave up. We should use our "weaknesses" for us to convert it as our strengths.

Azrael Codilla

Ross del Rosario of Wazzup Pilipins, shared his experiences from then up to now with his "Dog Story" presentation. I find it too interesting how he presented his journey through dogs since I have Pippo, a cross breed of Japanese Spitz  and Jack Russel, at home. He discussed how he tried to change the image he built online to be more on the positive side since he started in a way that people misinterpreted him because of his straight to the point views and opinions. He also shared his experience on taking sides when people attack the brands he's promoting. There are four (4) sides you can choose from according to him. First is you'll take side A. Second is you'll take side B. Third is you'll take both sides. Fourth is you'll not take any side.

Ross Del Rosario

JayL Aquino on the other hand discussed his journey through social media and how he interacts with his followers. Seph Cham, a fashion blogger, who made his way to the limelight by creating unique content by establishing good relationships with the brands he's endorsing, shared that when he's  just starting, he made himself visible in bazaars so that people can really interact with him. Dragging yourself to brands will not help you that much but when they see that you're visible enough, they will think of you as someone who can really represent their products or services.

JayL Aquino

Seph Cham

Sai Montes shared her journey about selling items online. A very informative slides about creating a business plan, knowing the basics of selling, planning the content, ways to engage with customers and product promotions. Now, Sai Montes established her own make-up online shop. Jeoff Solas shared his expertise as a PR. Campaigns may run for months but PR or relationship may it be good or bad will remain even for years. As an effective PR, one must know about the brand he/she is representing, with out of the box perspective and believes on what the product or service can do. Establishing a good relationship with the brand is hard to do but as time goes by, if you've done a great job even with a single project, opportunities will come back  to you. Brands will look after you since you earn their trust and they know that you can deliver. One more thing that I like about his presentation is when he let us group ourselves into ten (10) and share our own journey in blogging. It helps us to understand where each bloggers are coming from, each ones interests and the reasons why are we blogging.

Jeoff Solas

group discussion. :)
L-R: Donna, Diane, Yan, Tina, Shane and Vic

I am very much happy that I attended #DPOP 1st Professional Blogging Summit. With all the insights I got from the event and conversation I had with my fellow bloggers, especially that small talk with Janette, I am very inspired. The passion in me kept on burning and I hope that somehow, I inspire some of the people I've interacted with. Again, thank you Jeoff and Janette for organizing this very useful, informative and one of a kind event. Thank you also to the sponsors (A. Venue, Profriends (Property Company of Friends, Inc.), Island Rose, SaladBox) who believed with #DPOP's cause. Cheers to blogging! 

photo from DPOP's page

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  1. Thank you Leo for sharing insights learned at the event. Glad to catch up with you over lunch. :)

    1. It's always my pleasure Ms. Janette. I really look up to you as a mentor in this field. Thank you for sharing what you love to do and for inspiring many young bloggers like me.

  2. I'm glad you learned something from my presentation. Looking forward to meet you again soon!

    Thank you for coming to DPOP. Until next time! :)

    Sai Montes, http://www.fashionbysai.com
    IG: @fashionbysai

    1. You're welcome Sai! Hope to tag you along in my future projects and collaborate with other bloggers as well. :)

  3. You're very fortunate you get to attend this kind of event. It's also nice to know how there are events, forums, seminars and even as simple as Facebook group that cater for bloggers. It's a great to help each other get better at what we do. :)


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