#MusicPH - Nicole Laurel Asensio On Launching Her Newest Song “Love Me or Don’t”!

you can like me, or don’t,
simply say “hi” to me or don’t…
and I really don’t mind when your stares grow cold.

Those are the words Nicole Laurel Asensio wrote while waiting for friend Miru, a classmate from Elements music camp. While waiting, She was mindlessly scrolling through socials and noticed a lot of animosity between people. She thought about how many relationships and friendships are swayed by whatever thoughts are spoken, whatever bonds were broken online. It seems the topic struck a chord in more ways than one, because the entire song melody and lyric was done in 15minutes. 

Miru, Ira Cruz and Nicole collaborated on a rough demo which they sent the band later on. They had the usual suspects on this track.. Michael Alba on Drums, Karel Honasan on bass, Ira Cruz on Guitar, Nikko Rivera on keys and her go-to triumvirate of horn players, Lester Sorilla on trumpet, Isla Antinero on Trombone and Michael Guevarra on Saxophone, where Michael Guevarra also wrote out the horn arrangement. 

Throughout the recording Nicole had been writing out a concept for the music video, which was set in a vintage 50s-esque utopia. She wanted some sort of narrative that would showcase two of her friends Ms. Max Eigenmann from the famed Eigenmann clan and French actor Guillaume Novert. It was  Director Gorio Vicuna who spearheaded the creation of the MV. 

The song, “Love Me or Don’t” will be dropped on 29 January via Spotify.

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