
Transit by Hannah Espia

“Transit” begins and ends in an airport during a father and son’s transit flight from Tel Aviv to Manila. It tells the story of Moises, a Filipino single-dad working as a caregiver in Herzliya, Israel, who comes home to his son Joshua’s 4th birthday. It was on that day that Moises, together with their Filipino neighbors, Janet and her daughter Yael, find out that the Israeli government is going to deport children of foreign workers. Afraid of the new law, Moises and Janet decide to hide their children from the immigration police by making them stay inside the house.

Directed by Hannah Espia
Written by Hannah Espia and Giancarlo Lauro Abrahan V
Cast: Jasmine Curtis Smith, Ping Medina, Irma Adlawan, Mercedes Cabral, and Marc Justine Alvarez


This film is one of the 10 finalists at the 2013 Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival and Competition's New Breed Full Length Feature Category to be held at the Cultural Center of the Philippines with showing at Greenbelt 3 and Trinoma from July 26 to August 04, 2013.


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