#FitnessPH - Hangtuff Fitness - An Intimate Fitness Gym

Hangtuff Fitness is a unique personalized gym. They are a small provider but with big ideas. Hangtuff Fitness aims to offer personalized and professional approach to one's fitness requirements. The idea and concept of Hangtuff comes from an Australian national who has a passion for fitness and healthy lifestyle and believes that one don't need to be gym junkie to feel and see the benefits of regular exercise.

Lets face it! Getting fit is not easy! It takes a special sort of person that can buy a gym membership; go in day after day to do mind mumming exercise on reparative machines. You put in the effect to go to the gym; you want to make sure that every single minute is utilized to your benefit. At Hangtuff Fitness professionals work on feeding the mind as well as exercising the body. They use good old fashion friendship, encouragement from both fellow gym goers, work colleagues, as well as the staff to get members started and keep one on track.

Since trainings are class based, it means that instructors are there every minute of the session. They ensure that members are exercising correctly and getting the best possible results from every minute spent in training.

Hangtuff  structure the classes to clients needs. Whether you are an absolute beginner or someone seeking that edge on your fitness, they alter the workout to ensure that they are giving the member the challenged that matches one's fitness level.

We tried an awesome Zumba class with other fellow bloggers in this intimate venue. It was really fun and sweaty as everyone jives with the cool Zumba beat.

Classes Offered

Schedule of Classes

Standard Rates for Members and Non-members

Promo for the Month of FEBRUARY!

Try Hangtuff Fitness and you'll surely enjoy working out, making your way to your fitness goals.

Hangtuff Fitness is located at Ground Floor, OPPEN Building , 101-D Jupiter St , Makati City.
For more information, you can visit www.hangtuff.com.ph.

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