Word has begun to spread about Upstart’s upcoming production of COMPANY: A MUSICAL COMEDY— and it’s not just audiences who are excited. Every single member of the show’s cast and creative team, veteran and newcomer alike, is a bona fide fan of Stephen Sondheim’s groundbreaking, Tony Award-winning musical masterpiece about love, marriage, and commitment. Here’s what they have to say about the show, its creator, and the central character of Bobby...
Caisa Borromeo (“Marta”): “It’s timeless and relatable to anyone who has loved, has wanted love, or has been afraid of wanting love. It’s a big fat hug that will make you appreciate the people in your life more.” |
Maronne Cruz (“April”): “The different characters and relationship dynamics in COMPANY are helping me process my feelings about friendship, love, commitment, and marriage.” |
Topper Fabregas (Director): “COMPANY was the first show I ever saw on Broadway... There’s nothing like it.” |
Rony Fortich (Musical Director): “ COMPANY has, I think, some of the most beautiful lyrics from musical theater. ‘Somebody crowd me with love, somebody force me to care....’ Squeezes my heart every time.” |
Menchu Lauchengco-Yulo (“Joanne”): “I don’t think you can say you have been challenged musically until you’ve tackled Sondheim.” |
Nicky Triviño (“Susan”): “I love COMPANY! It’s simple and deep— just like me! Ha ha!” |
James Uy (“Paul”): First time I watched COMPANY, I thought they were telling my story. Saw it a second time and I'm convinced they were.” |
Jill Peña (“Kathy”): “COMPANY is timeless. It’s one of those pieces that every generation— at any age— needs to see.” |
OJ Mariano (“Bobby”): “If Bobby is your spirit animal, COMPANY is your therapy.” |
Sweet Plantado-Tiongson (“Sarah”): “COMPANY... Real people... real emotions... A beautiful marriage of music and words.” |
Cathy Azanza-Dy (“Amy”): “No one captures the scars, the ache, and the beauty of friendship and love quite like Stephen Sondheim.” |
Bianca Lopez (“Jenny”): “COMPANY digs deep on love, friendship and marriage. I just love how real it is! One of the best musicals by Sondheim!” |
Ariel Reonal (“Peter”): “COMPANY validates my belief in the age-old saying that 'no man is an island'. Single or not, admit it: We all need company. |
Chino Veguillas (“David”): “Sondheim's gift for expressing such complex feelings so simply has always amazed me. "Being Alive" is one of my favorite songs from any musical.” |
Joel Trinidad (“Harry”): “COMPANY speaks to me like no other musical before or since. It’s funny, poignant, and unflinchingly honest.” |
Michael Williams (“Larry”): “Everyone is on a journey towards love and companionship. COMPANY tells the story of that journey.” |
Find out what theater lovers all over the world already know. Catch the Opening Night of COMPANY at 9:00 pm on Friday, September 13, at the BGC Arts Center.
COMPANY: A MUSICAL COMEDY. Brought to you by Upstart Productions Inc. and BGC, in cooperation with ETC and Jack TV. Also brought to you by Ralph’s Wine and Spirits, Inside Manila, Spot.ph, Alike, Rankthemag.ph, Nolisoli.ph, and Makeup Science Asia. For the benefit of Carewell, World Vision Philippines, Edicute Inc., The Red Whistle, and The PARC Foundation. Fridays (9:00 pm), Saturdays (3:00 and 8:00 pm), and Sundays (3:00 and 8:00 pm) between September 13 and September 22 at the Globe Auditorium, Maybank Performing Arts Theater, BGC Arts Center, Taguig. COMPANY is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI, 423 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019. Tel.: (212) 541-4684 Fax: (212) 397-4684 www.MTIShows.com
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