#CulturePH - Join Watsons in Hunting Down The Swarm of Aedes

Slay the Swarm: The Anti-Dengue Fashion Phenomenon is a health awareness campaign from top health and beauty shop Watsons to stop the increase in dengue cases in the Philippines.

Dengue is rampant in tropical countries like ours and Aedes Aegypti can be found wherever we go, especially this rainy season. But what exactly is an Aedes Aegypti? It’s the scientific name of the yellow fever mosquito: a carrier of yellow fever, dengue, and other deadly viruses. So what does this entail?

The Quezon City Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance Unit (QCESU) has documented 1,160 dengue cases from these mosquitoes in Quezon City alone from January to June of this year. In addition, the Department of Health (DOH) said that 72,333 dengue cases had been reported in the nation, which is

On August 27, 2023, Sunday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM, join Watsons in spotting the swarm of Aedes Aegypti buzzing their way to invade the Quezon Memorial Circle. Watsons urges you to take extra precautions against dengue now more than ever. With their comprehensive and extensive selection of wellness necessities, you may Slay the Swarm and help keep yourself safe and protected from Aedes aegypti. It's essential to build up your immunity all year round, not just during the rainy season.

The whole day will be spent visiting brand booths, marveling at art displays, and watching performances that are out of this world. Learn more about OFF!, Bite Block, Soffell, Bye Bye Fever, Dirtbugsun, Tigerbalm, Salonpas, and of course a Dengue Home Test Kit from MOHS Diagnostics to keep you prepared. More freebies, games, vouchers and prizes await.

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