Blogging 101: Blog, Brag and Blag!

Being active in the blogging scene has put me in situations that made my eyes roll or felt ashamed on behalf of other bloggers on how they conduct themselves.

It doesn't matter how long these people have been part of the community nor whether those instances happened during press conferences, food reviews, out of town trips, and what not. Their behavior made me question things.

You see, I started blogging in 2011. From time to time, I search online for learning opportunities and would always encounter those that talk about Blogging 101, Blogging Ethics, etc.

Fast forward to today: we're advocating for these things YET there are those who try to bend the 'rules' in any way they can.

Are there really people without ethics?
Do we need to make taking a course on etiquette before one can be called and invited as blogger?

Let me share my top three cringe-worthy scenarios:

Balot Queens / Kings

"pa-take out naman nito."

I attended a foodie event sponsored by one of the country's top food related app. As the food was served, a 'blogger' took a portion of a burger, had small bite and called out the waiter immediately,  instructing him to put it in a take-out box. I can't help myself but to stare at her incredulously because it was supposed to be for EVERYONE. Imagine the reaction of the restaurant owners and the community manager of the said event. It was really one for the books.

The BRAG-ers

"May event ako sa (insert date here), invite kita!"
The world is full of boasters - people whose only IDOL is ME, MYSELF and I. Yes, you read it right! There are bloggers who brag about everything they do and their blog's achievement as if people are interested. These people front all the awards and nominations for the past year and position him/herself as a gift to the blogging community. They will brag some more about the recent event he/she attended and the recent grand prize he/she won in a raffle contest.
If you are 'lucky', they will also tell you his/her latest closed deal and will promise you an invite when the project kicks off. As a "newbie" or maybe someone who still has hope for humanity, you will have his/her word and wait for the invite that WILL NEVER EVER happen because he/she just mentioned it to BRAG. You have been victimized by the BRAG-er. Congratulations.. not!

The BLAG-ers

"May plus 1?"

Urban Dictionary defined BLAG as to gain, usually entrance to a restricted area or club, or some material good, through confidence trickery or cheekiness. Some bloggers have this habit of showing up on events where they're NOT OFFICIALLY INVITED! See? Why would someone attend an event without his or her name on the guest list?
The worst part is when a blogger brings a plus 1 without prior notice to the organizer or even if the invite explicitly states "BRINGING A PLUS ONE IS NOT ALLOWED". Did they even took the time to read the invite? Where do these people get the NERVES and the FACE to show up?
Marketing officers and public relations agencies work within their company/client's budget, with a set number of attendees. Imagine if the estimated audience is 25 and they have to accommodate the excess because of the said scenarios, they will get in BIG trouble along with nursing a headache.
So what should you do now to avoid these situations?

  1. It's not always about YOU. Learn to listen to other bloggers as they have a story to tell too.
  2. Have some courtesy to the organizers and your fellow bloggers.
  3. Do not invite yourself to an event just because you know the organizers or because a friend of yours is going.

Do you have your own experience(s) to share? Visit the comments section below and I would love to read your story!

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  1. Hi! My blog is years old but I still don't consider myself a legit blogger since I only post for personal reasons. Now I'm being invited to some events so this post is so informative. Thanks!

    1. Thank you Yella for finding this post as informative. :) Beware of the 3 types mentioned above. :) See you around!

  2. As much as I want to pin-point what have you posted here, I think the problem is even if the word "ethics" or "ethical standards" or "etiquette" is existing, not just in blogging and media, but for us humans (in general), it wasn't a mandated one. It's all in the matter of morality—like "for the common good."

    And for numerous times of joining the blogging events, I also have shared the same sentiment. I just can't rant about it because—well, blogging politics, you know.

    1. Thank you slickmaster for dropping by. I put up this post to speak out on behalf of bloggers like you. :) A lot of people has their own experience but also sort of scared that they'll be involved in an issue.

    2. That's good to know. At least you have expressed it the way you should be, and the way we should understand.

      Well, I'm fine being involved as a consequence should I do so, but I'd better be cautious 'cause I tend to rant like I'm hitting everyone without warning and remorse.

      And if people couldn't take it, it will go down to another issue of massive bashing, cyber-bullying, and heck, even libel.

      P.S. Hey, nice meeting you last Saturday! Was one of Dems and Axl's companions during Blogapalooza here.

    3. Well said! :) Nice meeting you too at the event. See you when I see you!

  3. Alam ko yang burger event na yan hahahahahahahaha


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