#CulturePH - Allianz PNB Life bags top award for marketing efforts at annual Insurance Asia Awards

Allianz PNB Life has once again proven its superiority as a business by taking home the Insurance Asia Awards 2022's Marketing Initiative of the Year: Philippines honor. Zoom was used to livestream the online awards presentation.

One of the main life insurance providers in the Philippines, Allianz PNB Life has the fastest rate of growth in terms of premium income. The company's award-winning marketing strategy aimed to position itself as the ideal insurance partner for a new generation of Filipinos by leveraging its mission to secure the future and instill faith in tomorrow.

Insurance penetration in the Philippines is among the lowest in Asia at less than 2%, translating to a protection gap in the trillions of pesos with millions of Filipinos exposed to financial losses from accidents, sickness, and death.

“Majority of the Filipino population today is composed of young adults who value authenticity, are smart when it comes to finances, and are technologically and digitally competent. They are also socially conscious and aware of pressing issues that affect the environment and the community they are a part of,” said Allianz PNB Life President and CEO, Alexander Grenz. “This opens an opportunity to promote further education on the importance of health protection and the value of insurance.”

“Given this, it was vital for Allianz PNB Life to communicate our message of securing the future through financial literacy and sustainability,” he added. “These are values that we as a company place active importance on, and it aligns perfectly with the market’s needs and ideals.”

“Sustainability, in particular, is one of the core advocacies of Allianz PNB Life,” said Allianz PNB Life Chief Marketing Officer, Gino Riola. “We consistently and actively make contributions to this through our existing initiatives, because securing the future should be expanded in a more holistic sense by also securing the community and environment we live in.”

The annual Insurance Asia Awards is a prestigious event recognizing the region’s leading insurance companies and their exceptional initiatives, products, and solutions. It was established in 2016, and is facilitated by renowned insurance publication, Insurance Asia. Over 130 insurance companies from 30 countries have been honored by the organization. The distinction Allianz PNB Life received cements its reputation as a global insurance leader.

“We are truly grateful for the recognition given to us by the Insurance Asia Awards panel, as it shows that our message of sustainability resonated with many people,” Grenz said. “We look forward to fostering stronger connections with our audiences who share our sincerity in wanting to secure the future of Filipinos and give them confidence in tomorrow.”

Watch Riola, who thanked Insurance Asia for the award on behalf of Allianz PNB Life, in his acceptance video here.

For more information on Allianz PNB Life, as well as other products and services offered, please visit www.allianzpnblife.ph.

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