#CulturePH - Allianz PNB Life continues to secure the future of Filipinos through sustainability with latest tree planting initiative

With the recently completed "Protect A Hectare" tree planting project, Allianz PNB Life, along with its banking partner Philippine National Bank (PNB) and the ABS-CBN Foundation, furthered its dedication to protecting the future of Filipinos via sustainability. On Saturday, July 23, the event took place at the La Mesa Nature Reserve.

In order to save and preserve water for the La Mesa Watershed, the "Protect a Hectare" project attempts to aid in the expansion of the forest canopy. Gino Riola, the Chief Marketing Officer of Allianz PNB Life, and the PNB Cycling Club cycled from the PNB headquarters in Pasay to La Mesa, Quezon City to start off the tree-planting event. The bikers received jerseys with the Allianz and PNB logos on them as a memento of the two companies' joint venture.

“This activity serves as a reminder that securing the future is a team effort,” said Riola. “We are very grateful to the ABS-CBN Foundation for joining us, and we congratulate them on the great work that they do for the communities they serve. We really wanted to share the joy and purpose in tree planting with our colleagues in order to foster strong engagement within our company. But more than that, we also want to convey our dedication to sustainability, as well as nurture the existing partnership between Allianz PNB Life and PNB.”

Allianz is the global leader in sustainability, having garnered the highest position for insurers in the 2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Index due to its efforts in addressing climate change.

Additionally, Allianz PNB Life has spearheaded several projects and programs in the Philippines that align with this long-time advocacy. This includes Ride Safe, a biking program that promotes a healthier lifestyle among Filipinos while simultaneously lessening carbon emissions from vehicular pollution, and Allianz Protect, a comprehensive insurance solution that also allows policyholders to donate to the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines’ (WWF-PH) Food Shed Farming Enterprise Project. The company also sponsored the Green Canopy Project in 2019, a reforestation effort that seeks to plant 12 million trees in the Philippines. This was done in partnership with LT Group, Inc.

This event adds to the many initiatives of Allianz PNB Life when it comes to securing the future of its stakeholders.

“Allianz PNB Life’s purpose is ‘We Secure Your Future’, and we wanted to highlight how serious we are about this by doing something that expands its meaning and depth into a holistic level,” said Allianz PNB Life President and CEO, Alexander Grenz. “Our insurance products and services secure the future of our customers. Meanwhile, this act of sustainability also secures the future of the communities we operate in. Doing it together, as a team, allows each participant to renew their commitment to our purpose, and encourages others to do their part in conserving the environment, too.”

For more information on Allianz PNB Life’s Ride Safe campaign and Allianz Protect, as well as other products and services Allianz PNB Life offers, please visit www.allianzpnblife.ph.

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